eBooks - Smashwords and PayPal

Original Post: 11 December 2012
Posted Here: 2 December 2017

Silver ThreadsI recently read an article in the April 2012 issue of The Writer magazine: Going Digital with e-books by Penny C. Sansevieri. As you might suspect, the article discussed some of the reasons that an author might choose to publish her work in the e-book form rather going than traditional paper route. If you're interested in indie (independent) publishing, I'd suggest that you read the article.

One of the outlets for self-publishing that was mentioned was Smashwords. "Smashwords," the article said in one paragraph, "has become a major portal for self-published authors." The paragraph made the place sound interesting, so I decided to check the web to see what someone else was saying about Smashwords.

One of the early hits was a link to a post titled "Smashwords Succumbs to Censorship," at the blog, The Digital Reader. The original post was dated 25 February 2012, but anyone interested in censorship (or whatever you choose to call it) and PayPal might like to read the post, its replies, and updates.

Keep reading/keep writing - Jack